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Your Complete Guide to Hip Replacement Recovery

A hip replacement is a surgical procedure that reduces pain in your hip and improves mobility. During a hip replacement, a surgeon removes damaged parts of your hip and replaces them with durable prosthetics.

Although surgery preparation is essential, the real challenge starts after your procedure. The recovery process is vital after a hip replacement, so knowing what to expect is necessary.

If you're ready for hip replacement, Dr. Steven J. Svabek offers joint replacement surgery using the latest technology. Dr. Svabek is an esteemed orthopedic surgeon who is there for you before, during, and after hip replacement surgery to ensure the best results.

When can I go home after surgery?

After your hip replacement, you may not be able to go home on the same day — though it’s more likely you can if you're in good health and the surgery goes well. If you don't have support at home for recovery or your surgery is more complicated than Dr. Svabek expected, you might need to stay in the hospital for a day or two after surgery.

Before you can go home, we check your vital signs and ensure you can get around with a walker to ensure your safety.

Getting around after surgery

Getting up and moving around soon after surgery is crucial to keep your new hip joint mobile. Our team evaluates your ability to walk on your new hip and the need for any assistive devices.

If you're unsteady on your new hip, we recommend using a walker or a cane to help you get around safely while you heal.

As you get stronger during the weeks of recovery, you'll need the assistive devices less and less, especially as you go through physical therapy and regain strength.

What is the pain like?

It's common to have pain and swelling around the incision site for the first few weeks after surgery. However, the pain should begin to subside as the weeks go by.

At your follow-up appointments, Dr. Svabek evaluates your pain level and checks your incision to ensure it's healing correctly.

If you still have pain, Dr. Svabek suggests elevating your leg, using ice and heat, and taking over-the-counter medications for pain relief. Your pain should improve over the next few months as you recover and strengthen during physical therapy.

How soon does physical therapy begin?

After hip replacement surgery, physical therapy begins as early as the day of surgery. A physical therapist evaluates you in the hospital and either begins exercises in your room or evaluates your mobility to go home.

Although it may seem like you need to rest, getting moving as early as possible is more important to prevent stiffness in your new joint.

The physical therapist works with you in the hospital to produce mobility in your joint before you go home. You'll continue physical therapy several times weekly during the first few months after your procedure.

Understanding the recovery timeline

The length of your recovery depends on how well you stick to your physical therapy plan as well as your overall health. However, it's safe to say that it takes at least three months to recover from hip replacement surgery.

By three months after surgery, you should be able to resume most of your normal activities. You should continue walking regularly and doing your physical therapy exercises.

Most of the swelling and pain from the initial surgery should be gone by this time, allowing you to work on strength, mobility, and flexibility in your hip joint.

Exercising and using a stationary bike is essential at this point in your recovery to improve functionality in your joint. You can also aid your recovery through watching your weight and using gentle stretching techniques to improve flexibility.

If you're having trouble during your recovery, don't hesitate to contact Dr. Svabek and the team immediately. If you notice signs of infection around your incision, be sure to get help right away.

If you're ready to schedule your hip replacement, don't hesitate to call our office at 954-466-9140 today to schedule a consultation with Dr. Svabek or request an online appointment.

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