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Seven Things to Do If You Want to Avoid Sports Injuries

Seven Things to Do If You Want to Avoid Sports Injuries

Basketball, skiing, track, and football are excellent sports that allow you to stay in shape and have fun. But with all the practices and games, it's easy to slip up and sustain an injury – which could keep you out for the season.

There are ways to prevent sports injuries, though; if you put in the effort, you can completely avoid serious injuries. A sports injury can be minor or potentially cause severe long-term complications.

Whether you've already suffered a sports injury or are looking for effective ways to prevent one, Dr. Steven J. Svabek and his team can help. Dr. Svabek is an experienced orthopedic surgeon who offers cutting-edge treatments for injuries and expert tips to prevent you from getting hurt.

Common sports injuries

Sports injuries are the unfortunate side of sports nobody wants to discuss – but unfortunately, they happen. Anyone involved in sports risks getting hurt, even if you take the proper steps to stay safe.

Injuries due to sports vary in severity; some are incredibly minor and heal independently, while others are serious and may require surgery. No matter what sport you play, you're at risk for any of the following common sports injuries:

Overuse injuries are common in many sports, including baseball and soccer. Baseball pitchers suffer from ligament and tendon issues in the arm and shoulder if they don't condition themselves properly.

Acute injuries happen suddenly and include fractures, concussions, and sprains or strains. These injuries may require professional treatment if the symptoms don't go away with home care.

Seven tips to prevent sports injuries

A sports injury can easily ruin your season and have long-term consequences. The best way to ensure you stay off the disabled list is to take prevention measures into your own hands.

Dr. Svabek and his team offer the following seven tips to keep your body healthy when you're an athlete:

1. Wear the proper equipment

Knowing and wearing the proper equipment for your sport is a great way to avoid serious injuries. For example, wear the appropriate padding and a helmet with a face shield for baseball and softball.

2. Stretch before and after practice

Stretching is essential for injury prevention, especially when you play more than one sport. Practices and games take a toll on your muscles, ligaments, and tendons, where stretching helps.

Be sure to stretch every area you use before and after practice, exercise, or a game. Stretching helps to warm up the muscles and ligaments, which decreases the chances of injury.

3. Take time to rest

Getting into your sport is so easy that you forget to take time off to let your body rest. Allowing your body to rest is a crucial aspect of injury prevention. Although it may not be what you want to do, it's what your body needs to stay healthy.

4. Don't play through pain

It's not uncommon to have minor pain when you're an active athlete – but you shouldn't try to play through it, no matter how minor the discomfort may be. Playing or practicing through pain may cause an injury to worsen and do more harm than good.

5. Develop a strength training routine

Playing a sport means you must hone in on your regular muscle groups and form a strength routine. Don't only focus on the muscles you're using; be sure to include all muscle groups in your strength training routine.

6. Drink plenty of water

Dehydration and heat illnesses are prevalent during the warmer summer months. If you're in sports during hot weather, drink plenty of water to stay hydrated, keep the body healthy, and prevent heat-related illness or injury.

7. Warm up and cool down

Warming up and cooling down before practice, exercise, or a game is essential to preventing injuries. Warming up allows you to prime your muscles, tendons, and ligaments so they're supple and loose.

Cooling down is even more critical, as it allows your body to come back down after vigorous exercise. Both are vital to preventing musculoskeletal injuries during sports.

Even with the proper routine and heeding all the above tips, it's still possible to have an injury. Seek help right away if your injury doesn't get better on its own with home care.

Call Dr. Svabek's team at his Coral Springs, Florida, office today if you have a sports injury, or request a consultation on our website.

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